Special cables and wires |
КУГВВнгд | Control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КУГВВнгд-FR | Fire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КУГВЭВнгд | Control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores |
КУГВЭВнгд-FR | Fire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores |
КУГВВЭнгд | Control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen |
КУГВВЭнгд-FR | Fire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen
КМПвВнгд | Compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КМПвВнгд-FR | Fire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, with sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КМПвВЭнгд | Compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen |
КМПвВЭнгд-FR | Fire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen |
КМПвВЭВнгд | Compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КМПвВЭВнгд-FR | Fire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КМПвЭВнгд | Compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores |
КМПвЭВнгд-FR | Fire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores |
КМПвЭВЭнгд | Compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores |
КМПвЭВЭнгд-FR | Fire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores and collective screen |
КМПвЭВЭВнгд | Compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores and collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КМПвЭВЭВнгд-FR | Fire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores and collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition |
КПЭТИнг-HF | Measuring paired cables, heat and radiation resistant with copper and/or chromel-copel and chromel-alumel conductors, with insulation and sheath made of cross-linked halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen |
КПЭТИнг-FRHF | Measuring paired cables, fire, heat and radiation resistant, with copper and/or chromel-copel and chromel-alumel conductors, with insulation and sheath made of cross-linked halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen |
КПоПЭнг-HF | Control cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen |
КПоПЭнг-FRHF | Fire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen |
КПоЭПЭнг-HF | Control cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with screened cores and collective screen |
КПоЭПЭнг-FRHF | Fire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with screened cores and collective screen |
МГТФ | Heat-resistant mounting wires with fluoroplastic insulation |
МПО 33-11 | Heat-resistant mounting wires |
МПОЭ 33-11 | Heat-resistant mounting wires |
КМВ | Multicore plastic-insulated wiring cables, PVC-sheathed |
МГШВ | Flexible connecting wires wth fibrous and polyvinylchloride insulation |
МГШВЭ | Flexible connecting wires wth fibrous and polyvinylchloride insulation |
МПМ | Compact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation |
МПКМ | Compact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation |
МПМЭ | Compact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation |
МПКМЭ | Compact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation |
МКШ | Multicore plastic-insulated wiring cables |
МКШМ | Multicore plastic-insulated wiring cables |
МКЭШ | Multicore plastic-insulated wiring cables |
ПТЛ-200 | Heat-resistant laquered wires |
ПТЛЭ-200 | Heat-resistant laquered wires |
БПВЛ | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for onboard circuit |
БПВЛЭ | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for onboard circuit |
КУПВ | Control cables with polyethylene insulation, PVC-plastic sheathed |
КУПВ-Пм | Control cables with polyethylene insulation, PVC-plastic sheathed |
ПВЛТ | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives |
ПВЛТЭ | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives |
ПВЛТ-1 | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives |
ПВЛТТ-1 | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives |
ПВЛТЭ-1 | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives |
ПВЛТТЭ-1 | Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives |
СФКЭ | Heat-resistant thermocouple wires for thermocouples |