
Main page >> Special cables and wires

Special cables and wires
КУГВВнгдControl cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КУГВВнгд-FRFire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КУГВЭВнгдControl cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores
КУГВЭВнгд-FRFire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores
КУГВВЭнгдControl cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen
КУГВВЭнгд-FRFire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation and sheath made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen
КМПвВнгдCompact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КМПвВнгд-FRFire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, with sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КМПвВЭнгдCompact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen
КМПвВЭнгд-FRFire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen
КМПвВЭВнгдCompact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КМПвВЭВнгд-FRFire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КМПвЭВнгдCompact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores
КМПвЭВнгд-FRFire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores
КМПвЭВЭнгдCompact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores
КМПвЭВЭнгд-FRFire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores and collective screen
КМПвЭВЭВнгдCompact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores and collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КМПвЭВЭВнгд-FRFire resistant compact cables with copper conductors, XLPE-insulated, sheathed with low risk-of-fire PVC composition, with screened cores and collective screen, with protective covering made of low risk-of-fire PVC composition
КПЭТИнг-HFMeasuring paired cables, heat and radiation resistant with copper and/or chromel-copel and chromel-alumel conductors, with insulation and sheath made of cross-linked halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen
КПЭТИнг-FRHFMeasuring paired cables, fire, heat and radiation resistant, with copper and/or chromel-copel and chromel-alumel conductors, with insulation and sheath made of cross-linked halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen
КПоПЭнг-HFControl cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen
КПоПЭнг-FRHFFire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with collective screen
КПоЭПЭнг-HFControl cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with screened cores and collective screen
КПоЭПЭнг-FRHFFire resistant control cables with copper conductors, with insulation made of halogen-free cross-linked polymer composition, sheathed with halogen-free polymer composition, with screened cores and collective screen
МГТФHeat-resistant mounting wires with fluoroplastic insulation
МПО 33-11Heat-resistant mounting wires
МПОЭ 33-11Heat-resistant mounting wires
КМВMulticore plastic-insulated wiring cables, PVC-sheathed
МГШВFlexible connecting wires wth fibrous and polyvinylchloride insulation
МГШВЭFlexible connecting wires wth fibrous and polyvinylchloride insulation
МПМCompact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation
МПКМCompact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation
МПМЭCompact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation
МПКМЭCompact connecting wires with polyethylene insulation
МКШMulticore plastic-insulated wiring cables
МКШМMulticore plastic-insulated wiring cables
МКЭШMulticore plastic-insulated wiring cables
ПТЛ-200Heat-resistant laquered wires
ПТЛЭ-200Heat-resistant laquered wires
БПВЛWires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for onboard circuit
БПВЛЭWires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for onboard circuit
КУПВControl cables with polyethylene insulation, PVC-plastic sheathed
КУПВ-ПмControl cables with polyethylene insulation, PVC-plastic sheathed
ПВЛТWires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives
ПВЛТЭWires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives
ПВЛТ-1Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives
ПВЛТТ-1Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives
ПВЛТЭ-1Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives
ПВЛТТЭ-1Wires with PVC-plastic insulation in varnished braiding for locomotives
СФКЭHeat-resistant thermocouple wires for thermocouples