
ÀÀÁâØíãä 3x95(îæ)-6
ÒÓ Ó 27.3-00214534-091:2017
Power cables with aluminium conductors, with impregnated paper insulation, aluminium-sheathed, steel-tape armoured, with low-flammable PVC-compound protection hose
Cables are used for laying:
• in dry premises (tunnels), ducts, cable cellars, mines, collectors, industrial and other premises, including damp, partially flooded premises, environment with medium and high corrosivenes
• in fire-risk premises
• on technological trestles
• with a risk of mechanical damage and no tensile forces in operation
• at sites, where low smoke and gas emission are required in the process of combustion and smouldering: NPP, electrical generating stations, subway, high-rise buildings, large industrial facilities and etc.
Fire safety code in accordance with ÄÑÒÓ 4809:2007: ÏÁ123121000
Products of this mark meet the requirements:
• single wire cable flame retardance
• bunched cable flame retardance category A
• toxicity class Tk3 of the combustion products of nonmetallic elements (toxicity index over 120 g/m3)
• class ÄÒê1 on smoke-forming ability by smouldering of non-metallic elements (coefficient of smoke formation from 50 to 500 m2/kg)
• class ÄÏê2 on smoke-forming ability by combustion (minimum luminous flux more than 60 %)
• corrosive class Êê1 of combustion products of non-metallic elements (the number of halogen hydrides less than 150 mg/g, pH less than 4.3, specific conductivity more than 10 µS/mm)